IEEE CS SYP is pleased to introduce IEEE CS TechX – a virtual (or hybrid) event that combines sessions on emerging technologies, so skills, leadership & industry engagement as a single offering. TechX will act as an umbrella event, which calls for local IEEE OUs to host their own local event under TechX umbrella. Committees at any geographic scale within GAC (Student Chapters, SACs/Sub-SACs, Areas/Sub-Areas, Regions) can organise an IEEE CS TechX Event with support from IEEE CS SYP, given they satisfy the eligibility criteria.
- IEEE CS TechX events shall receive funding from IEEE CS MGAB, based on the event elements, geographic scale and the unique value proposition.
- IEEE CS SYP will support the TechX Event Organizing Entity to source speakers (volunteer leaders / industry experts) and shall also help coordinate between STC, DVP, GAC & CS Staff to provide assistance for the respective elements.
The event can be structured by combining the following elements : Tech, Train, Lead, Engage, Unique
- Tech Element : Session / Panel Discussion on any emerging technology
- Train Element : Member training on so skills / craing resume / preparing for interviewworkshop
- Lead Element : Chapter Chairs Training event with CS GAC and CS SYP for discussion onYP Engagement
- Engage Element : Industry expert session on leading career profiles in CS / careertransition from student to YP / transitions between industries and job profiles
- Unique Element : The organizer is free to define this element. It can be a session / contest in collaboration with an Affinity Group (WIE / YP), another technical Society, or any otherentity within or outside IEEE that aligns with the goal of the event.It is not mandatory for a TechX event to include all the 5 elements listed above. Depending on the interest of participants, the Organizing Entity can decide which elements to include. However, to be considered for financial support from IEEE CS, it is mandatory to include the Tech / Engage Element. For this year we will have the event virtual and go onsite depending on the situations and resources available.
Event Timeline
Call for Host Closing : 15th November 2021
Last Day to Conduct Event : End of January 2022
Last Day for Event Reporting by Host : End of February 2022
Before submitting your application, please go through the IEEE Computer Society TechX Guidelines.