In conjunction with the IEEE CS’s 75th anniversary, we have introduced the IEEE Computer Society R10 Newsletter which covers the activities conducted by our R10 IEEE CS Chapters & Membership.
This quarterly publication will bring in news, information, analysis, reports and announcements from around IEEE Computer Society Region-10 for our membership along with articles on trendy topics.
In the newsletter, we will be featuring a column, “Information Resources”, a compilation of reference information from different reliable sources which will be of use to our readers.
We wish to make IEEECS R10NL, a quality source of information. This can be realized only with the active support from one and all. We look forward to inputs from IEEE CS OUs, articles on current interest topic from academic community, industry practices and experience sharing features from professional community as per the newsletter guidelines.
Jan-Mar 2022: Vol 2 No 1
Contents: https://bit.ly/ieeecs-r10nl-22q1-index
Full issue (82 pages): https://bit.ly/ieeecs-r10nl-22q1
Oct-Dec 2021: Vol 1 No 4
Contents: https://bit.ly/ieeecs-r10nl-21q4-index
Full issue (102 pages): https://bit.ly/ieeecs-r10nl-21q4
Jul-Sep 2021: Vol 1 No 3
Contents: https://bit.ly/ieeecs-r10nl-21q3-index
Full issue (78 pages): https://bit.ly/2X0dzqL
Apr-Jun 2021: Vol 1 No 2
Contents: https://bit.ly/ieeecs-21q2-content-index
Full issue (66 pages): https://bit.ly/ieeecs-r10nl-21q2
Jan-Mar 2021: Vol 1 No 1
Contents: http://bit.ly/3dnlrs2
Full issue (48-pages): https://bit.ly/ieeecs-r10nl-21q1
Please send all communications related to the newsletter including the feedback, to ieeecs.r10nl@gmail.com